Peer Pressure and How to Overcome it

Peer means the people of same social group. They are people who surround us. They are our friends , acquaintance, family members or anyone who are socially connected with us.

Peer pressure - De Econometrist

Peer pressure means the pressure a person feels to become a part of a group and then he/she act in a certain way The person starts to change oneself in the way they never would have done. Peer Pressure can influence:

  • Dressing Sense
  • Talking Style
  • Habits
  • Change in likes and dislikes
  • Change in behavior

Although peer pressure is not always bad because sometimes it makes a person:

  • well mannered
  • well behaved
  • makes him do good things
  • But peer pressure can also be bad. If a person starts
  • behaving rudely to look cool
  • become alcohol addict
  • become sex addict

How to Deal with Peer Pressure

In some cases the person facing peer pressure faces a huge amount metal pain because naturally he is not willing to do so but still he/she not able to think what to do to overcome it.

Pressure because of bullies:

10 Ways to Stand up to Peer Pressure and Bullying

Many people change themselves in order to protect themselves from bullies which is not wrong at all but if because of it you start to become someone you don’t like then absolutely you should stop yourself . People try to become a bully themselves which is absolutely not correct. If you are facing peer pressure because of this reason then:

  1. You should try to know exactly why you are being bullied.
  1. Don’t try to become one because you would be doing the same others did to you and you didn’t liked it.
  2. Try to have self confidence.
  3. Let other bullies say what they want to.
  4. Take action against other bullies.
  5. Bullying someone is a crime.
  • Pressure of being fit:
10 Ways to Deal with Hunger Pangs While Dieting - Gaiam

It’s something very common which takes place because of peer pressure. Seeing your all friends look smart and fit you also start to join gym and starts to do excessive exercise and starts skipping meals. Being fit is good but trying to achieve the fitness goal in shortest time will harm your body. If you are facing it then:

  1. Know the limits your body can go through
  2. Don’t push too much because fitness needs time.
  3. If others make fun of your fitness then let them say it don’t listen them.
  4. Eat healthy food but never skip meals.
  • Pressure of getting in relationship: Some people find their lover at a very young age and some don’t. To come in relationship they try to do everything from forgetting about their self respect and even forcing the other person. Some don’t take any wrong step but still they feel pressured to have someone in their life. If you facing it then:
  1. Keep in mind if you will rush then you might end up in a wrong relationship.
  2. If you even get in a relationship by force or in a rush manner then it will not be fruitful and it will end up.
  3. Be strong enough to show your value if you will keep running for relationship then your value will decline in the eyes of others.
  • Pressure to have sex: Pressure to have sex in something many go through. Thinking what will their friends think if they will listen that you are still a virgin or what will your partner say or think about you. If you are going through it then:
  1. Sex is something which is done with fully prepared mindset. It’s not about just fun of few minutes.
  2. It is completely okay to say no to your partner and if your friends make fun of you then let them say it because it is something very personal and they have no right to interfere.
  3. Many people feel regret after having sex.
  • Pressure for Alcohol or Drugs:
What Is Peer Pressure and Does It Lead to Addiction?

People starts to take alcohol and drugs because of their peers. But later they don’t enjoy it and also it harms there body. If you are facing this then:

  1. Talk to a family member or a trusted friend.
  2. See a counselor or health professional.
  3. Remember that many people of your age have sought help too.

There are some common ways by which you can overcome any type of peer pressure:

  • Change your friend group: If possible then change the group who are putting pressure on you. It is always best to stay away from toxic people. Those who are giving you headaches are not your friends so better stay away from them.
  • Talk with lot of people: Be someone who is having good relations with everyone so that you don’t need to bother about anyone too much.
  • Do what you think is good: Blindly following others is not a good option at all. So, all do things which you feel are okay.
  • Be confident and strong both mentally and physically: Be strong so that no one bothers you too much or no one force you for anything.
  • Learn to say no: Learn to say no. Never think it will offend others. If you can’t do it then just don’t do it. Don’t do it anything for the sake of others.
  • Get support: It’s always better to get support from someone. If you have no one who can help you then join WeHeal app.

WeHeal is the app which is created with the aim to solve those problems of the people which are generally remains unnoticed. The main motive of this app is to heal everyone and help them to lead happy life. In this app the best feature is that you can ask your problems and these problems are posted anonymously and the healers there will help you to get best solutions. Other than this there is a chat feature using which you can directly chat with the healers and get the best solution and here also you remain anonymous. If you are facing problems like Peer Pressure bullying, stress , loneliness, heartbreak, exam tension , anxiety, etc then this app can help you out. There are many healers on this app who are ready to help people and they will understand you and will not judge you. Other than asking problems there is inspiration section where you can find inspirational stories and quotes written by different people using the app which can inspire and encourage you. The app also has three inbuilt modes which provide you with meditation sessions, happiness quiz that will detect your mood, and a mini game to improve your patience level. So, don’t let your pressure destroy you, join this app and you will get help.

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